NarinjaraNews, April 11, 2023
General Twan Myat Naing,Commander-in-Chief of the Arakan Army (AA), urged the Arakanese people at homeand abroad to continue to persevere in the revolution on 10 April, the 14thanniversary of the founding of the ethnic army.
In his speech, the AA chief expressed special gratitude to the people ofArakan, who bravely stand together with the AA amid the sounds of battles andbombardment amid tears of compassion, and to all working Arakanese in thediaspora who fulfil their duties for the revolution regardless of where theylive.
“I express special gratitude to all the people of Arakan and the Arakanesein the diaspora who are working for the revolution. I would like to urge all ofyou to stay strong. Let us continue our path in full unity,” General TwanMrat Naing said in Arakanese.
Those who deviate from the path of revolution will be led to the path ofenslavement, and for the brave and pragmatic patriots, the scars of pain andinjuries are strengths and medals, the AA leader said.
“In times of revolution, we must have the courage to overcome the path ofrevolution, otherwise we would be enslaved,” he said. For the brave andpragmatic patriots, these scars of pain mean strengths and medals.”
The ethnic army leader went on to say that he pays his respects to thecomrades who gave their lives in pioneering battles for their people andcountry during the revolutionary period, and that he pays respect to allcomrades – men and women – who are willing to give their lives with firmconviction in the midst of all kinds of difficulties or hardships.
10 April 2023 marks the 14th anniversary of AA since its establishment inLai Zar, where the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) islocated, on 10 April 2009.