
NUG Acting President congratulates AA for earning trust of Rakhine Community on the occasion of 14th anniversary

April 10/ 2023 | View Counts :2316

NarinjaraNews, April 10, 2023

On the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the founding ofthe Arakan Army (AA), the ActingPresident of the National Unity Government (NUG) conveyed a congratulatory message to the AAs leader, Major General Twan MratNaing.

In the message, the NUG’sActing President acknowledged the AAs 14 th anniversary of the founding their revolutionary movement and praised their achievement in gainingthe trust and support of theentire Rakhine population.


Acting President of the NUG, Duwa Lashi La, personallysigned and sent a congratulatorymessage to the leader of the Arakan Army (AA) on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of itsestablishment on April 10th.


Iextend my heartfelt congratulations and warmest welcome on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the founding of AA,which we celebrate today”, the Acting Presidentstated.


NUGsActing President, Duwa Lashi La, expressed his wish for the Rakhine people to have the right to self-determinationand shape their own destiny during the celebration of AAs anniversary. He also expressed his hopeto collaborate towards the establishmentof a federal union.


The 14th anniversary of AAs establishment was celebrated not only by NUG, but also by its brother-in-arms organizations such as Palaung State LiberationFront/Taang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA),Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/MyanmarNational Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MDAA).


In addition eight Spring Revolution alliances, including thePeople's Revolution Alliance (PRA), People's Defense Forces (PDF), Student ArmedForce (SAF), Asho Chin Defense Force (ACDF), Lightning Guerrilla Force, Peoples Liberation Force, Peoples Revolution Force, and Chin Defense Force (Asho), sent theircongratulations.


The eight Spring Revolution alliances conveyed theirgratitude to AA in their message, expressingappreciation for the support and guidance provided. They pledged to utilize AAs support and teachings effectively and to work towards the trueliberation of the oppressedpeople.


In his speech commemorating the founding anniversary of theArakan Army (AA), Major GeneralTwan Mrat Naing also urged Rakhine people, both locally and abroad, to continue their commitment to therevolution.


AA was established on April 10th, 2009, in Laiza, a townlocated in Kachin State where theKachin Independence Organization (KIO) is headquartered. Initially founded by26 Rakhine youth, the AAs military strength hassince grown to over 30,000, making it the


largest armed group in Rakhine State. The organization hasgained significant support fromthe local community and has managed to liberate several areas within theregion.


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