
KNLA / PDF JOINT FORCES KILL Over 80 BGF Outposts near the Shwe Kokko -Yatai New City Mafia Complex

April 08/ 2023 | View Counts :2698

Narinjara News, April 8, 2023


Border Guard Force (BGF) outposts near the Shwe Kokko-YataiNew City development project cameunder attack by KNLA and allied forces on Wednesday, leading to ongoingclashes, according to officials of the KNLA’s political wing, theKaren National Union (KNU). 


Ongoing battles between Junta forces the Lion batallion(PDF) another PDF the Cobra column andthe KNLA this week near the town of Shwe Kokko, north of Myawaddy Karen State,has forced an estimated 8000 villagers were forced to fleeacross the Thai border.


On the evening of April 6, the Lion Battalion CommandoSpecial Forces Strategic Column announcedthat over 85 troops from the Border Guard Forces (BGF) were killed during atwo-day battle on April 5 and 6 inShwe Kokko town, located in Myawaddy Township, Karen State.


According to the statement, the Strategic Column capturedfive hill-based military outposts belongingto the BGF and seized over 75 various weapons during the battle. The attack isstill ongoing.


The battle took place near Shwe Kokko in the area of KNUBrigade 7 but controlled byJunta’s BGF ally which is also on the payroll of a shadowy Chinese company“Yatai International” engaged inextortion rackets, casinos, and trafficking.


This is the first time that the KNLA 7 th Brigade hasparticipated in revolutionary action sincethe coup, It is Brigade 6 that has been in constant action fightingJunta troops in the Myawaddy district, where more airstrikes took place on Inner andouter Mae Kanae villages.


A relief worker told Narinjara that as a result of these airstrikes and conflict, the local population of approximately 8,000 had to cross the Moei River and flee to theThai side during the last two days.


He added,Wehave opened 6 relief camps. As more displaced people have arrived in the evening, we are continuously sending them food and shelter. The weatheris hot and we need a lot of drinkingwater. Myanmar in Mae Sot also donates.”


The source also mentioned that the Thai military is incharge of ensuring the safety and securityof the relief camps. It hasbeen reported that the Thai army has been sending those who fled, back inside BGF- controlled territory wheresome Thai business films have operations inside the Chinese -runNew City complex.


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