
AA and Military Council reached a ceasefire agreement within 24 hours from November 26 morning  

November 27/ 2022 | View Counts :1733

NarinjaraNews, November 26,2022

The Arakan Army (AA) and the Military Council decided tostop fighting and reached an informalceasefire agreement within 24 hours from today (November 26) morning,spokesperson of AA, U Khaing Thu Kha confirmed to Narinjara.

"The agreement is not in writing. It means that the twosides will stop in the areas where they are currently and cease attacking.Within 24 hours from today, in other words, until tomorrow, all fighting willbe stopped”, U Khing Thu Kha said.

U Khaing Thu Kha told Narinjara that the ceasefire is aseriously considered action for the Rakhine people.

 “We have worked out for a humanitarian ceasefire with theaim of solving the difficulties and troubles that Rakhine are currentlysuffering. At the moment, an important rice-harvesting season in Rakhine isapproaching. That is why we planned for the ceasefire considering the priorityof the Rakhine people”, he said.

 U Khaing Thu Kha claimed that AA's political positions willnot change and will remain the same despite the ceasefire.

 "Currently, there is a ceasefire, but our politicalposition has not changed. We will remain steadfast in our original stance”, hesaid.

 Previously, AA and the Military Council fought fiercely from2018 to November 2020 and during the period after the election, both sidesagreed to a ceasefire. But the battles have resurged between two sides sinceAugust 2022.

 "The cease-fire should be considered a good sign forthe current situation. I mean only for the current situation. Because thepublic, the local villagers are suffering a lot. The Military Council shotartillery into the villages and people were killed and injured almost every day.In addition, food and medicine transport routes had been blocked. Civilianswere being interrogated and arrested as well as many were imprisoned. Thepeople suffered dearly by the war. That’s why the ceasefire is the right thingto do for now. When there is no fighting, people's lives will graduallyrecover”, U Phay Than, a former member of Pyithu Hluttaw (House ofRepresentatives) from Myebon township, commented on the ceasefire between theAA and the Military Council.

 After the resurgence of fighting in Rakhine, the MilitaryCouncil troops launched targeted attacks on the Rakhine public and killed manycivilians. Also, the Military Council used their notorious four-cuts strategy,and cut off food, medicine and transportation sectors, hence Rakhine peoplefaces various difficulties and troubles.

#Military Council#AA#Arakan
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