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Military Council arrested 5 masons and a goldsmith in Ponnagyun Rakhine State

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 09 November 2022
  • | Viewer: 790

Narinjara News, November 9, 2022

Locals said 6 male civilians working as a goldsmith and masons were arrested by the Military Council in Ponnagyun Township, Rakhine State.

A witness said the Military Council troops from the Ponnagyun-based 550th Infantry Division arrived in a car and arrested the 6 men while they were drinking at a pub near U Yarz Mingala suspension bridge in Ponnagyun Sanpya ward at around 9:30 PM on November 8.

“They were drinking at the pub on their way home from work. I don't know why they werearrested”, he said.

Among those arrested are: Ko Myo Linn (30), who comes from Nat Sate Village and worked in Ponnagyun as a goldsmith, and 5 masons arrested between the ages of 30 and 40.

Locals say that the Military Council forces in Rakhine arrest innocent people on all kinds of pretexts.

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