
Young man hangs himself to death in Sittwe; total suicide deaths reach to six in five months

October 10/ 2022 | View Counts :1601

Narinjara News, 10 October 2022

A man in his 20s hangedhimself to death in Sittwe on Friday making the number of deaths by hanging in thepast five months to six in Rakhine State’s capital.

The deceased man who lived inSittwe’s Ywagyi Myauk Ward was the 24- year old Ko Maung Win Hlaing. He was founddead at 8:30pm on 7 October.

Ywagyi Myauk WardAdministrator, U San Thein, told Narinjara that the wife found him dead hangingat their house.

“We have no idea when he diedhanging. As only the two lives in the house, his wife knew only when she arrivedback. The wife was going to her mother’s house in the same ward,” he said.

The ward administrator saidthe man had been talking about he would hang himself as the livelihood andbusiness was not good.

“They are leading a hard life.They had to live renting someone else’ house. Husband had no job and tried tohang himself. He was showing the rope. This time he did it practically, saidthe ward administrator.

The other five people whohanged themselves to death in Sittwe in the past five months are Daw OhnmarKhin from Mingan Wunhtan Block (3), the 30-year old U Kyaw Myat from Setyon SuWard, 58-year old U Tun Tha Sein , 21- year old U Tun Aye Kyaw and 18-year oldMa Yu Yu Hlaing of Kanpyin village in Sittwe Township.

The six deaths occurred infive months from May to 7 October, according to figures from Myitta YaungchiFoundation based in Sittwe.

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