NarinjaraNews, 14 September2022
AnArakanese police officer was arrested by the Military Intelligence Service(Sarafa) personnel from Ann township of Arakan (Rakhine) State, where thewestern regional military headquarter is located.
The arresteehas been identified as Thet Hlaing (40), the second officer of Ann Myoma policestation.
A localresident informed Narinjara News that the officer was arrested after he askedfor some queries by the intelligence service people by 10 am on 9 September.
“There issomething to check about the police officer bythe intelligence department. He was called by the telephone andwhen he arrived there, he faced arrest. I don't know thereason behind his arrest,” he added.
ThetHlaing, the deputy station commander ofAnn township police station, is a Rakhinenational hailing from Rema Thein village. He lives with hisfamily in ward number 5 near the police station.
Rakhine Stategovernment spokesperson U Hla Thein and State security & border affairsminister colonel Kyaw Thura were contacted for details, but for vain.
Earlier on6 September, Mur village (under Ann township) administrator UNyi Tin Maung, a flower shop owner U U Win Aung and a residentof Nyaung Chaung village Tan Tin were summoned to thewestern regional military headquarter for questioningand later detained.
They areyet to be released and even family members have not been allowed to meet,claimed the relatives.
As thearmed conflicts between the government forces and Arakan Army members continuetaking places in various townships of Rakhine State, the numberof arrestees is also growing every week.