
Climate change hits Rakhine State, less rain makes farming too difficult

July 30/ 2022 | View Counts :553

NarinjaraNews, 30 July 2022

Locatedin-between the Bay of Bengal and the high Arakan Roma mountain range, Rakhine Stateis identified as a rainfed region of Myanmar. But because of the climatechange, the western Myanmar region is not receiving sufficient rains this raining season.

Therainy season in Rakhine normally begins by June and continues tillOctober. The months of June, July and August witness heavy rains (upto 200 inches). However, this year the Statehas not experienced normal rains till the end of July.

According to a Myanmar weatherdepartment’s report, the region has witnessed less rainfalls (around 100inches). The farmers have found it difficult to cultivate on time. Whateverrice plants were cultivated, those are dying due to lack of rain water.

U BaAye, a farmer from Mrauk U township, said that due to the heat most of his riceplants were dried up.“Whenit rains, we plow the field, but this time it rained very little. So our riceplants are dying,” he added.

Kyauk Township, the rice bowl of  Rakhine, has more than 90000 acres of Riceland,but till date only 25 percent of the paddy field has been planted as there wasno sufficient  rain.

UThan Win Chey, a farmer from Kyauk Township, informed Narinjara News thatif there is no rain in the coming days, the already planted fields would bedried up.

"Ifwe do not get rains by next 15 days, we will not be able to replant. So therewill be no grain this year. The farmers will have to suffer more," headded.

ManyRakhine townships are now facing this drought and the farmers are worried for the days to come. Rakhinepeople are mostly dependent on the agriculture produces and 80 percent of themare traditional farmers.

UThein Tan, a farmer from Kyauk Phyu also informed that they too have notexperienced rains in the last few weeks.

Increasingprice of fertilizers and the fuel and lack of bank loans have made thesituation more complicated. Many farmers have even given up the practice offarming in Rakhine State, revealed the Arakan National Farmer’s Union.

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