Thursday, September 19th 2024

Three people arrested in Taungup township with fake currency notes

Narinjara News, 15 July 2022

The Taungup township police in Rakhine State have arrested three people, including two women, with a large volume of fake Kyats on 12 July.

The detainees are identified as Ko Thant Zin Tun hailing from Leik Kon Baung village, Ma Khin Thidar Lwin and Mama Mar Win from Pada village under Taungup township.

The Taungup police chief Khin Maung San confirmed the incident of arrest but said that he could not say anything more about it.
“Ask the camp commander directly. Only the commander can describe,” he added.

It may be mentioned that on Tuesday, Thant Zin Tun was arrested from Me Chaung Htoe village with a large number of fake 10,000 bank notes. Khin Thidar Lwin and Mar Win were detained with another set of fake notes. Altogether 334 counterfeit 10,000 denominated banknotes were
confiscated from them.

Those  banknotes were found to be ordinary copy papers without laser discoloration and were even 1 mm longer than the real notes, said the Rakhine state council’s News Agency.

Thant Zin Tun and Khin Thidar Lwin bought the banknotes worth Kyats 53 lakh along with genuine Kyats 17 lakh from Aung Mingalar bus station in Yangon (formerly Rangoon).

The detained individuals are accused under section 105/106 of the Central Bank of Myanmar laws and currently in the custody of Taungup city police.

Earlier on 21 June, U Kyaw Myint alias U Marmut Sup, a resident of Thechaung village under Sittwe township was arrested with 35 counterfeit banknotes for defrauding U Tut, a resident of Yezakyo at Irrawaddy bank in Rupataung Ward of  Sittwe.

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