
Night curfew extends in northern border town Maungdaw

June 14/ 2022 | View Counts :4280

Narinjara News,June 13/ 2022  


Section 144 ofthe night curfew from 10 Pm to 5 am has been extended toanother two months for June to July in Maungdaw Township.  


The order was signed by Maungdaw Township Administrator U Kan Tun Aung onJune 11. After issuing it, the township authority announced by a loudspeaker pun ona car on the town yesterday evening, residents said.


In Maungdaw Township,  Section 144 of the curfew has beenissued  since the August 25, 2017 when a heavyconflict took place there.  


In theconsequent of the conflict, an estimated 655,000 to 700,000 Mulsim people in northern Rakhine reportedlyfled to Bangladesh between 25 August 2017 and December 2017, to avoid ethnicand religious persecution by Myanmar's security forces in their "clearanceoperations" against insurgents.


Initially, it was released from 6 pm to 6 am, but later, as the area becamemore stable, it was released from 10 pm to 5 am, and it is released regularlyevery two months.


U Hla Thein, the administrator of Ward No. 2 in Maungdaw, said, “It isissued every two months because it is needed. But for health reasons, people can gofreely. The authority allow to them with understanding, ”he said.


The curfew has been imposed on all roads including road Lane, Garden, monastry,mosque; No more than five or five people are allowed to gather on there. (NN-2)

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