Friday, September 20th 2024

Clash between AA and Burmese military reappears in Myebon, villagers start fleeing

Aye Myat Khaing

Narinjara News, 13 April 2022

Tension remains high after a brief clash between the Arakan Army members and Burmese army personnel reappeared near Wet Khaung village under Myebon township of  Rakhine State.

"Wet Khaung residents including women and children are now leaving their places out of fear towards Myebon township. As the artillery shells exploded in the village, they got terrified. Tension remains high,” said the villager.

A 10-minute clash between the armed opponents broke out at 11 am on Wednesday at  Mifa Metta clinic in Wet Khaung village.

The conflict mounted as the AA opposed setting up a camp by the security forces on a hilltop near to the village.

"The clash took place when the village administrator and some AA comrades went to negotiate with the security officers in order to remove the Myanmar force from the area during the Thingyan festival,” added one villager.

Five artillery shells and small arms were used in the fighting, but presently the situation is normal as both sides had gone for necessary coordination.

U Pe Than, a former Pyithu Hluttaw member from Myebon township, informed Narinjara News that there could be more clashes in the days to come.

"Peace prevails now as there is an unofficial ceasefire between AA and the security forces, but there is no demarcation of areas. So the clashes may reappear again. It’s a matter of concern for us,” he added.

In 2019-20, the Rakhine people witnessed heavy gun-fighting between them. Days back, Unitred League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) spokesman U Khine Thukha in a press  conference asserted that clashes are inevitable if the Burmese army increase its forces in Rakhine State.


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