
Two Muslim village headmen arrested in Sittwe

April 12/ 2022 | View Counts :1298

Mya Htwe Than, Narinjara News, 12 April 2022

Two Muslim village headmen  were arrested by the Burmese army personnel from  Ngapun Chaevillage in  Aung Taing village-tract under Sittwe township on the night of 9 April, said local villagers.

The arrested village headmen are identified as U Sedi Amat and U Adu Shuku.

"Both the Muslim leaders along with a middle-age villager were taken away by the security personnel. The villager jumped out of the running vehicle and ran into a nearbyvillage,” added the villagers.

The local Media sources said they werearrested on suspicion of having links with the AA, but could not be reached forcomment. Villagers said theydid not know the exact reason for their arrest.

Some individuals are seeminglyhiding in the area and the army authorityexpressed its apprehension.

Hla Thein, the spokesman of Rakhine State government, and Col. Kyaw Thura, the State  security &border affairs minister were not immediatelyavailable for comments.

Ngapun Chae area is primarily Muslim dominated and it has about 200 families.
The security personnel also raided many houses in Tawkan village under Sittwe township on the night of 10April, which has caused concern amongthe locals. Some villagers even left their places to escape the troubles.

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