Aye Myat Khaing, Narinjara News, 11 April 2022
On the occasion of Arakan Army’s 13th anniversary, three prisoners of war were handed over by theorganization to the Burmese army officials.
They were handed over in front of village-elders at Sin Ingyi village underPonnagyun township on 10 April at around 2:30 pm, said a villager whiletalking to Narinjara News.
“Those prisoners of war were kept in the village-school. A military vehiclearrived at a distant place and a group of six army personnel came down on foot.After the leaders of both sides talked, the captives were transferred to armyofficials by AA commanders,” the villager added.
About 30 AA members were present at the time of handling over the soldiers.
Narinjara News is still investigating the matter when they were arrested andwhich battalion they belonged to.
The AA had released about 40 prisoners of war in 2021.
(Photo: The photo was released by AA on November 15, 2021 after 15 prisoners of war were handed over to Burma army)