Mya Htwe Shin, Narinjara News, 9 April 2022
Two students from Hmawbi University of Technology in Yangon, whowere charged under section 17 (2) of the criminal code for associatingwith the Arakan Army (AA), have been sentenced to two years in prisoneach on Friday by the Ann township court of Rakhien State.
According to their lawyer U Myint Maung, they were initially charged undersection 17 (2) but later sentenced under section 17 (1) of the criminal code.
“They were charged under 17 (2), but the order was issued with 17 (1). They are getting benefits from the previous days of imprisonmentterms,” he said.
Both the convicted students namely Ma Thida Tint and Maung Sanday Kyaware notresidents of Rakhine State.
“They hail from the mainland and were arrested on 22 June 2021 from a checkpointin Taungup twonship of Rakhine State.They remain active in Tat Taung area of Ann township,” added the lawyer.
Capt. Kyaw Zin Oo of the 544th battalion based in Taungup filed a lawsuitagainst them alleging their links with the AA.
Currently both of them are at Ann township police station and will be taken toThandwe prison soon, an official from the police station informed Narinjara News.