Narinjara News, 3 April 2022
Ten Muslim individuals were arrested on 31 March from Ann township as they were travelling by a bus fromRakhine State to the mainland (Burmaproper).
The police informed that they had no travel document and hence were detained.
The bus carrying the Muslims arrived at the Kan Myint Kan joint check point of Ann township in theevening hours and the on duty immigrationofficers asked them to produce travel documents. They did not have any documents and the officersdetained the group including
six women.
They were later escorted to the cargo hold of Gispanadi bus which departed from Sittwe.
Ann township police station deputy chief Myo Kyi said, “I don’t know what to do with the individuals. Weonly file a case after the immigrationdepartment has taken the action.”
The driver and four accomplices who helped the Muslims to travel are prosecuted under section 367 of thePenal Code (of Myanmar).
Earlier on 12 March, four Muslims were arrested at the same checkpoint and charged under section 6 (2) of theImmigration Act. It is learnt thata case is filed under section 6 (3) too.