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Myanmar forces launch attacks in Meabon township using helicopters

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 23 November 2019
  • | Viewer: 1.4k

Narinjara News, 23 November

Myanmar security forces have launched attacks over a specified location under Meabon township, located in the central part of Arakan, by two helicopters on 22 November as the ongoing battle between Myanmar security personnel and Arakan Army (AA) members intensifies in the western State of Myanmar.

“Myanmar Army used two helicopters in the attack, second time in our township. Many villagers from Nyung Kan and Sa Nyin informed me over the telephone that both the helicopters were used for bombing around Nyung Kan village,” said U Pe Than, Parliamentarian from Myebon township.

The attack by helicopters started at 12.15 pm and it lasted for 15 minutes.

A woman from Nyung Kan village informed that she had never seen such attacks by helicopters.

“All villagers in Nyung Kan were scared of the situation and they went on hiding inside their houses. One hut near to a small hill was damaged as three bombs exploded over it. We saw two helicopters flying over our village. Soldiers in the helicopters used to fire over our
village by the machine guns,” she added.

One elder from Kam Thong Gyi locality under Myebon Township informed, “The area which was under attack by the helicopters is around one mile away from our town. We could see the helicopters in the sky and heard the sound of bombings. All shops in the locality remained closed and the town looked deserted.”

A teacher from the area said that the security forces suspected the presence of AA members in the mountain range near Nyung Kan Village.

So they targeted the locality with helicopters. However, no casualty was reported from the village.

At least eight townships in northern Arakan namely Maungdaw,  Buthidaung, Rathidaung, Ponna Kyunt, Kyauk Taw, Mrauk U, Minbya with Palerwa from Chin State were witnessing gun-fighting between Tatmadaw and AA members.

Lately, the conflict has shifted to the central part of Arakan. Moreover, Myebon township is closer to the army’s western command headquarter and also the Chinese oil & gas pipelines.

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