Sunday, September 8th 2024

Young detainee hospitalized the third time

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 11 October 2019
  • | Viewer: 2.5k

By Chit Ei Hlaing, 11 October 2019

A young detainee was hospitalized for the third time on 10 October as
he continued vomiting blood, said family members.

Si Thu Aung (20 years old) was once again sent to Sittwe general hospital as his
health condition went on deteriorating, informed his father.

U Maung Taung Aye also added that his son was earlier hospitalized on 12 and
17 September after vomiting blood.

“His health is not improving and we are worried about him. As he
vomited blood once again, we decided to hospitalize him,” said U Maung
Taung Aye suspecting that his son might have received internal
injuries. He also appealed to the prison authority to take care of his

It may be mentioned that Si Thu Aung was arrested by the Myanmar
security personnel as he along with few friends arranged to send a
malaria patient from Kyaung Daung village under Mrauk U township to
the hospital on 12 March last.  The army authority suspected that the
patient was associated with the Arakan Army, who later died in the
army custody.

All twelve people arrested by the government forces hail from Kyaung
Daung village and they are being charged with anti-terrorism law act

Si Thu Aung alleged that he was tortured by the army personnel during
interrogations. Speaking to Narinjara in Sittwe general hospital, he
also added that his lungs were paining since then.

“I used to vomit blood repeatedly in prison, but the attending doctors
could not explain the reason behind the problem.  I want to know the
status of my lungs,” said Si Thu Aung.

Even though the patient himself alleged that he was tortured in the
interrogation cell , the army authority denied the allegation arguing that there is
no report of abuses on detainees.

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