
An interview with U Pe Than, a former member of the Rakhine parliament for Myebon Township

May 29/ 2023 | View Counts :7680

“This isn’t a time of armed fighting in Arakan State. Itseems to me that the regime has deliberately made the arrest to discourage orintimidate relief team members from helping the people.” – U Pe Than (Formermember of the Rakhine parliament for Myebon Township)


An interview with U PeThan, a former member of the Rakhine parliament for Myebon Township


The Myanmar military council detained Arakanese writer WaiHun Aung and members of a relief aid group on 23 May while traveling to deliverrelief supplies to communities affected by Cyclone Mocha, which made landfallin Arakan State on 14 May. The regime released the writer Wai Hun Aung on thenext day, 24 May.


In an interview with Narinjara, U Pe Than, a former memberof the Rakhine parliament for Myebon Township, expressed his opinions on theincident.


Q – The military councilarrested Arakanese writer and charity leader Wai Hun Aung, who was distributingrelief goods on 23 May, and released him the next day, 24 May. What is youropinion about his arrest?

A – The role of intermediary groups or individuals who candistribute domestic and international relief goods is crucial right now. So anabrupt arrest of such a charity leader who does social work shouldn’t havehappened at all. Because all the people affected by the storm are in urgentneed of help. And this isn’t a time of armed fighting in Arakan State. Hisarrest was obviously not politically motivated. It seems to me that the regimehas deliberately made the arrest to discourage or intimidate aid team members fromhelping the people.


Q – The storm caused extensive damage in ArakanState. It claimed more than 100 lives and affected millions of people. The roleof charity groups is critical. How might this arrest affect reconstructionefforts in townships affected by the storm?

A – People are facing a lot of misery right now caused byCyclone Mocha. Some people aren’t yet able to live in proper shelter. They’rehaving difficulty getting food, clothing and shelter. Roads, houses andbuildings have all been damaged. Aid will come from the military council,Arakan Army, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations,international non-governmental organizations and donors. Reconstruction cannotbegin until the aid reaches those affected. This is where the important role ofintermediary groups and individuals or aid organizations comes into play.Without them, storm victims may not get the help they really need. That’s whyI’d urge members of charities to courageously continue social work in the faceof adversity.


Q – We have learned that the military council stillcarries out strict controls on transportation routes and requires permissionfrom the minister of border affairs and security for travel, as it did duringthe conflict period, even at a time when people were facing great hardship dueto the storm. How do you think that hinders disaster relief?

A – If that’s true, they shouldn’t be doing that at all. Itwould be unreasonable for the government authorities, who are actuallyresponsible for the country, to hinder the people who are coming to help thepeople who are suffering. In fact, the government itself can’t provide enoughsupport to the people. Such behavior also means that the good will of otherpeople is blocked. At this time, the government is responsible for making surethat the help reaches the people who need it. Therefore, I’d like to say thatsuch actions, for whatever reason, shouldn’t be carried out.


Q – It looks like the United League of Arakan (ULA)and the military council are running parallel governments in Arakan State rightnow. Which group do you think the people of Arakan trust the most in the faceof such a disaster?

A -The government that came to power in the military coupwasn’t supported by the people from the beginning. It has no support from theinternational community. It’s a government that is losing its political image.In international diplomacy, it’s mainly blamed and pressured. Since they havebeen in power, the people have had greater difficulties. They’re even against eachother. Now they’re in a political and military crisis. At such a time, theyshould spend a large part of the national budget on alleviating people’shardship with good will and compassion. Instead, they detain people doingcharity work and block aid. If they continue to restrict aid from internationalorganizations, people who already dislike the military country may develop evenmore resentment against them. The ULA /AA has already received popular supportfrom the beginning. It has received even more support because it has done a lotof good for the public after the storm. We’re just witnessing how both sidesbehave toward the people. As for the military council, it already lacks publicsupport. So I think the military council should show more magnanimity in thissituation.


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