
India urges cessation of violence and return to Dialogue and Diplomacy to solve Ukraine crisis

April 22/ 2022 | View Counts :1669


Writer- A GR srinivasrao

India has stood up to its principles while taking itsstance on Russia-Ukraine war. Although sticking to standard principle ofinternational diplomacy, i.e. safeguarding national interest, India maintainedits neutral and pacifist foreign policy by calling the warring parties forimmediate cessation of violence and end of hostilities and a return to the pathof dialogue and diplomacy. As its long held foreign policy philosophy, Indiaalso urged nurturing a global order anchored on international law, the UNCharter and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of all States.

India’s decision to abstain from all the votingsessions in the UNGA and UNSC on Ukraine situation so far has been a very wellconsidered one from both the perspectives – safeguarding national interest aswell as having a principled foreign policy. The US administration initiallyexpressed disappointment on India’s decision in the context of Ukraineinvasion, saying that the “consequences of a ‘more explicit strategicalignment’ with Moscow would be significant and long-term”, but gradually ithas developed an understanding about Indian stance.

It is clear from India’s abstentions in UN voting thatit has not taken any side against any country but violence and hostility.Gradually the Western countries including the US have understood India’srelationship with Russia in the context of their long held historic defence andsecurity relationship, developed much before the Ukraine war.

It is crystal clear that India is conscious about itsnational interest and sovereignty in decision making while maintaining its economicand strategic ties with other countries in a win-win framework rather than zero-sumgames. As India has long ties with Russia, it continues to import Russian oildespite the decision of the US, Europe, Australia and Japan’s sanctions onRussia. Despite its historic ties with Russia, India “unequivocally condemned”killings in Ukraine’s Bucha and supported calls for an independentinvestigation into the “deeply disturbing reports”.

India’s stand is in line with its image as a pacifistcountry and it condemned loss of civilian lives in Ukraine war as soon asshocking evidences of mass graves appeared. In a statement (April 06) at the UNSecurity Council meeting India’s permanent representative to the United NationsT.S. Tirumurti said “the country remained deeply concerned at the worseningsituation and reiterated the call for immediate cessation of violence and endof hostilities”. Even India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar voiced inParliament, India’s condemnation of the civilian killings in Ukrainian town ofBucha.

India sees its relationship with both the US andRussia as important. In the fourth annual US-India 2+2 Ministerial dialogue(April 11), India and the US expressed their shared commitment to “democracyand pluralism” and a “multi-faceted bilateral agenda, and growing convergenceof strategic interests”. The two countries also sought to continue to promote “aresilient, rules based international order that safeguards sovereignty and territorialintegrity, upholds democratic values and promotes peace and prosperity forall”. Both the countries also shared the concern regarding violence againstcivilians in Ukraine war and reviewed mutual efforts to respond to theworsening humanitarian crisis.

India has an independent but special relationship withRussia. Russia has displayed understanding on India’s stand on the ongoingcrisis. India has taken a measured stance in Ukraine war as it is clear fromthe fact  that it succeeded in evacuatinglarge number of its nationals stranded in Ukraine due to its balancedmanoeuvring on both the sides of conflict and its relationship with Russia.India has remained a reliable strategic partner of Russia traditionally andappreciated the help USSR extended to in the toughest times in the past.

India’s consistent call for a negotiated settlement ofthe Ukraine crisis got reflection on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov statement(April 04, 2022) that international community must know the truth that theRussian side was ready to work honestly and consistently at the negotiationtable. Earlier India had spoken (March 7) to Russia and Ukrainian heads ofstate. The Prime Minister of India urged both the state heads to hold directtalks to resolve the dispute.

India is equally concerned about the apprehensionexpressed (April 5) by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (US) General MarkMilley that “Ukraine war will likely last years and world “is becoming moreunstable and the “potential for significant international conflict betweengreat powers is increasing, not decreasing”. India has always acted as a responsiblecountry with sensitivity towards human issues. The Indian Ministry of ExternalAffairs (MEA) has clearly stated that India wants to stabilize its existing fulleconomic ties with Russia and not increase it at the time of Ukraine war. Nationalinterest cannot be undermined as seen in the European Union is continuing itsimports of Russian energy and fertilizers, and compared which with that Indianoil imports are very small. Many of the Indian exporters to Russia have foundtheir payment from Russia impounded due to the latter’s exclusion from theSWIFT. Indian and Russian trade deals initiated before the Ukraine war alsoneed to be honoured. India does not support violence and hostilities, but ithas to safeguard its national interest and that is what it is doing, whileexpressing its readiness to help restore peace between the warring countries.


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